
Yangon's Architecture

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  • What building & style is this?
    Sule Shangri la - Modernism (1996)
  • What building & style is this?
    Lim Chin Tsong Palace - Mix of Chinese & Western Architecture (1919)
  • What building & style is this?
    Yangon Children's Hospital - Modernist (1978)
  • What building & style is this?
    High Court/Yangon Region Court - Colonial Architecture (1911)
  • What building & style is this?
    DAW KHIN KYI MAUSOLEUM - PostModernism
  • What building & style is this?
    University of Medicine 1 - Modern (1956)
  • What building & style is this?
    BEHS 2 Dagon - mix of classical Burmese & western architecture (1931)
  • What building & style is this?
    Karaweik Palace - Classical Burmese Architecture (1974)
  • What building & style is this?
    Central Fire Station - Edwardian Architecture (1912)
  • What building & style is this?
    PITAKA TAIK - Modernism (1961)
  • What building & style is this?
    ST MARY’S CATHEDRAL - (neo)Gothic architecture (1911)
  • What building & style is this?
    The Holy Trinity Anglican Cathedral - Neo Gothic (+Neo Classical) -1895
  • What building & style is this?
    Pegu Club - Victorian (1882)