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  • What is it?
    It's grass
  • What body part are they?
    They are tusks
  • How many children are there?
    There are 7 children
  • How many giraffes are there?
    There are 3 giraffes
  • Where is the
    A hippo
  • It hasn't got...
  • What animal is in the bushes?
    A lion is in the bushes
  • How many ponds are there?
    There are 3 ponds
  • How many elephants are there?
    There is 1 elephant
  • Where is the kingfisher?
    It's near the pond
  • What body part is it?
    It's a trunk
  • It hasn't got...
  • Where is the Lion?
    It's in the bushes
  • What have zebras got?
    Zebras have got black and white stripes
  • How many lions are there?
    There are 2 lions
  • What are they?
    They are tusks
  • It hasn't got a...
  • What colour is Mathilda's dress?
    It's red
  • How many children are there?
    There are 5 children
  • What body part is it?
    It's a tail
  • Where is the elephant?
    It's in the long grass
  • How many bananas are there?
    There are 8 bananas
  • what has a lion got?
    It has got a mane and ...
  • What animal is there in the pond?
    There is a hippo
  • What animal is near the pond?
    The kingfisher is near the pond
  • How are the children?
    they are sad
    They are angry
    They are excited
    They sit down
  • What is it?
    It's mud
  • What animal is in the long grass?
    The Elephant is in the long grass
  • How many animals are there in the safari park?
    There are 7 animals
  • Where is the zebra?
    It's near the tree
  • It hasn't got...
  • What animal has got mud all over it?
    A hippo as got mud all over it
  • It hasn't got a...
  • What is it?
    It's a neck
  • How many monkeys are there?
    There are 5 monkeys
  • How many hippos are there?
    There are 2 hippos
  • Where are the monkeys?
    they are in the tree
  • It hasn't got a...
  • How many kingfishers are there?
    There are 6 kingfishers
  • What animals swing from trees?
    Monkeys swing from trees
  • How many trees are there?
    There are 7 trees
  • What animal has got a long neck?
    A giraffe
  • What are they?
    They are feathers