
Simple Past vs Past Continuous

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  • Sam ______________ (plan) a party and then he _____________ (phone) his friends.
    planned / was phoning
    was planning / phoned
    was planning / was phoning
    planned / phoned
  • ‘ _________________ (you / go) out last night?’ ‘No, I was too tired.’
    Did you going
    Were you going
    Were you do
    Did you go
  • How fast _______________ (you / drive) when the accident ______________ (happen)?
    were you driving / was happening
    were you driving / happened
    drove / was happening
    drove / happened
  • When I was young, I _________________ (want) to be a pilot. Later I _______________ (change) my mind.
    wanted / was changing
    was wanting / chaged
    was wanting / was changing
    wanted / changed
  • I ______________ (switch off ) the computer because it _____________________ (make) a strange noise.
    was switching off / was making
    was switching off / was making
    switched off / was making
    switched off / made
  • While we __________ (clean) the house, we ___________ (break) some glasses.
    were cleaning / broke
    cleaned / broke
    were cleaning / were breaking
    cleaned / were breaking
  • ‘Where were you yesterday aft ernoon?’ ‘I _______________ volleyball.’ (play)
    used to play
    was playing
    used to playing
  • Ann didn’t see me wave to her. She ____________ in the other direction. (look)
    used to look
    was looked
    was looking
  • Rosemary and Jonathan met for the first time when they _______________ in the same bank. (work)
    used to work
    were working
    were work
  • I _________________ (walk) along the street when suddenly I ______________ (hear) something behind me. Somebody ________________ (follow) me. I was scared and I ______________ (start) to run.
    was walking / heard / was following / started
    walked / was hearing / followed / was starting
    was walking / was hearing / was following / was starting
    walked / heard / followed / started
  • Alan ____________________ (look) out of the window when he ______________ (see) a UFO.
    was looking / saw
    was looking / was seeing
    looked / saw
    looked / was seeing
  • When we _____________(leave) school yesterday, it _________________ (pour) with rain.
    left / poured
    were leaving / poured
    were leaving / was pouring
    left / was pouring
  • While they ____________ (try) to fix the computer, all the lights _____________ (go out).
    were trying / were going out
    tried / were going out
    were trying / went out
    tried / went out
  • George looked very smart at the party. He __________ a very nice suit. (wear)
    was wore
    used to wear
    was wearing
  • The thieves __________ (hide) in the kitchen when the police ___________(come) in.
    were hiding / came
    hid / was coming
    were hiding / was coming
    hid / came
  • When you _____________ (see) Paul, _____________ (wear) a black jacket?
    were seeing / was he wearing ...?
    were seeing / did he wear ...?
    saw / was he wearing ... ?
    saw / did he wear ...?
  • Kate _____________ (have) dinner and then she ___________ (do) her homework.
    was having / was doing
    had / did
    had / was doing
    was having / did
  • I wonder what Joe is doing these days. He _______________ in Spain when I last heard from him. (live)
    used to living
    was living
    used to live
  • I asked the taxi driver to slow down. She __________ too fast. (drive)
    was driving
    used to drive
    was drove
  • ‘What _________________ (you / do) at this time yesterday?’ ‘I was asleep.’
    did you do
    were you do
    were you doing
    did you doing
  • Sam ____________ (take) a picture of me while I ____________ (not / look).
    took / wasn’t looking
    was taking / looked
    took / looked
    was taking / wasn't looking
  • I ___________ (try) to log on when the WiFi _____________ (stop) working
    was trying / stopped
    was trying / was stopping
    tried / stopped
    tried / was stopping
  • My dad __________________________ (listen) to classical music when I __________________ (arrive) home from school.
    listened / was arriving
    was listening / arrived
    listened / arrived
    was listening / was arriving
  • My cousin _________________(meet) his wife, Bianca, while he _____________(live) in Italy
    was meeting / met
    met / lived
    was meeting / was living
    met / was living
  • My little sister ___________(draw) a picture while I _____________(study) for my French exam.
    was drawing / studied
    drew / studied
    was drawing; was studying
    drew / was studying
  • While Dad ____________ (print) an article, the printer _____________ (run out) of paper.
    was printing / ran out
    printed / was running out
    was printing / was running out
    printed / ran out
  • While I ____________ (drive), I ________________ (have) an accident.
    drove / was having
    was driving / had
    was driving / was having
  • I haven’t seen Alan for ages. When I last _____________ (see) him, he _______________ (try) to find a job.
    saw / tried
    saw / was trying
    was seeing / was trying
    was seeing / tried
  • We ________________ (play) video games when my mum ______________ (say) ‘Turn the volume down!’
    were playing / was saying
    were playing / said
    played / was saying
    played / said
  • We were in a very diff icult position. We ______________ (not / know) what to do, so we _______________ (do) nothing.
    weren't knowing / did
    knew / did
    were knowing / were doing
    didn’t know / did
  • Last night I _____________ (drop) a plate when I _____________ (do) the washing up. Fortunately it _______________ (not / break).
    was dropping / was doing / wasn't breaking
    was dropping / did / wasn´t breaking
    dropped / did / didn't break
    dropped / was doing / didn’t break