
Wise Mind

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  • Emotional or Reasonable: you make a schedule for homework and stick to it exactly even though you are tired and sick.
    Reasonable Mind
  • What does it mean when you use your "emotional mind"?
    When you are guided by emotions, feelings, moods, and urges.
  • Which Mind: You plan a homework schedule for the week but then your friend asks you to go to a football game on Friday. You adjust the schedule so you can see the movie and finish your work.
    Wise Mind
  • Emotional or Reasonable: Your friend is telling you about how they are struggling in school. You tell them to study more and try harder.
    Reasonable Mind
  • Which Mind: your parents say you have to go to your cousin's house Saturday but you had plans with friends, you are mad and tell them you aren't going and slam your door
    Emotional Mind
  • Emotional or Reasonable: you want to do your group science project about frogs because you already researched them, people give other suggestions, but you insist on frogs.
    Reasonable Mind
  • What does it mean when you use your Wise Mind?
    When you use both emotion and logic to make a balanced choice or take the "middle path"
  • How can you get into Wise Mind?
    Take deep breaths to center yourself, ask your wise mind a question, ask yourself "is this my wise mind"-- BEFORE you act
  • Emotional or Reasonable: you yell at the salesperson because they don't have your size in a shirt you want
    Emotional Mind
  • Why is using your Wise Mind useful?
    It allows you to balance emotions and reasoning, reduce impulsivity, consider the long-term consequences, and improve problem-solving
  • Which Mind: Someone calls you a name in the hallway, you are mad, you take a few deep breaths, ignore them, and keep going to class
    Wise Mind!
  • Emotional or Reasonable: a peer calls you a name so you shove them
    Emotional Mind
  • Which Mind: Your friends don't want to see the movie you want to see, you are frustrated and think about just staying home alone, you pause and decide to still go
    Wise Mind!
  • What does it mean when you use your "reasonable mind"?
    When you are guided by facts, logic, research, and past experiences.
  • Emotional or Reasonable: your friend doesn't invite you to the movies so you ignore them all week
    Emotional Mind