
Chemical Equations & Balancing Equations

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  • A reaction in which energy is absorbed
    endothermic energy
  • What are the numbers called in front of an element in a chemical equation
  • In a chemical equation reactants on the left yield what?
  • are materials that decrease the rate of reaction by raising the activation energy.
  • There are several factors that can speed up a chemical reaction. Those factors are:
    Increase in surface area,increase in temperature, Increase in surface area, and a catalyst
  • This states that matter is neither destroyed or created
    Law of the Conservation of Mass
  • A number in a chemical formula that tells the number of atoms in a molecule or the ratio of elements in a compound
  • This is when elements in one compound appear to “trade places” with elements in another compound.
    double replacement
  • What are substances on the left called
  • What are substances on the right called in a chemical equation
  • When two or more elements/ compounds combine to make a more complex substance. ‘Synthesize’ means to put things together.
    Synthesis Reaction
  • What uses chemical formulas and symbols to show a chemical reaction.
    Chemical Equations
  • What is a reaction that releases energy in the form of heat
    exothermic energy
  • When one element replaces another in a compound.
    Single Replacement
  • The formula for Ammonia is
  • The formula for Ammonia is
  • What is substance that speeds up the rate of a chemical reaction
  • What is the process that breaks down compounds into simpler products.
  • The formula for Carbon Dioxide is
  • What is energy needed to start a chemical reaction
    activation energy
  • What are the 4 types of reactions
    synthesis, decomposition, single replacement & double replacement
  • What is a substance that slows down or stops a chemical reaction