
EOC Practice #4

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  • The peace agreement between Israel and Egypt that Jimmy Carter organized.
    Camp David Accords
  • The idea that once a country was brought down by Communism, the countries around it would fall also.
    Domino Theory
  • What legislation was signed by Lyndon B. Johnson in 1965?
    Voting Rights Act
  • A period of time when the Soviet Union had missiles in Cuba pointed towards the U.S.
    Russian Missle Crisis
  • Why were Americans troops sent to Afghanistan and Iraq?
    To find Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD)
  • What was the plan for peace written by the U.S. President after WWI?
    The League of Nations / Fourteen Points
  • Writing/reporting using sensationalism and exaggeration
    Yellow Journalism
  • What do A. Philip Randolph, Medgar Evers, James Meredith, Malcolm X, Stokely Carmichael, Rosa Parks and MLK, Jr. have in common?
    They were all leaders of the Civil Rights Movement
  • What person changed the role of the First Lady and became a symbol for social progress and women's activism?
    Eleanor Roosevelt
  • Who helped created Earth Day and the Environmental Protection Agency by writing "Silent Spring".
    Rachel Carson
  • A failed attack on Cuba by Pres. Kennedy to try and take down Fidel Castro
    Bay of Pigs
  • What happened at Kent State and Jackson State in the 1970's?
    Students were killed while protesting against the Vietnam War.
  • Name two documents that helped rebuild Europe after WWII to help prevent Communism from spreading?
    Truman Doctrine and Marshall Plan
  • What legislation was signed by Lyndon B. Johnson in 1964?
    Civil Rights Act
  • Which Supreme Court case made segregation unconstitutional?
    Brown v. Board of Education
  • McCarthyism was named for Joe McCarthy when he went too far in trying to expose people for being
  • What policy allowed for U.S. intervention in the Americas to protect the Monroe Doctrine?
    The Roosevelt Corollary
  • How did the radio change society?
    united the country
  • Why did Pres. Richard Nixon resign from the White House?
    Watergate Scandal
  • What was the name of the operation, led by Eisenhower, that the Allies took to move the Germans out of France during WWII?
  • What was the secret project to make the atomic bomb?
    Manhattan Project
  • What was the 18th Amendment and what negative effect did it have?
    prohibition; increased crime
  • What Supreme Court case made "separate but equal" constitutional?
    Plessy v. Ferguson
  • Who coined the term "Iron Curtain" to refer to the contrast in governments between Eastern and Western Europe?
    Winston Churchill
  • Who wrote the 14 Points?
    Woodrow Wilson
  • A time period when black people created a new identity for themselves with music and literaturein New York City
    Harlem Renaissance
  • Before America got involved in WWII, how did we help the Allies?
    Lend-Lease Program
  • What is the Supreme Court case that legalized abortion in 1973?
    Roe v. Wade
  • What was the basis of Reaganomics?
    Reduce taxes and have less government interference
  • What happened in Berlin in 1989?
    The Berlin Wall was knocked down
  • What happened in the 2000 Presidential Election?
    Ballots had to be recounted; Supreme Court made a decision
  • This war ended in a stalemate and the country was divided at the 38th parallel.
    Korean War