
C1-C2 Idioms Part 1

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  • Dot Your I's and Cross Your T's
    To be meticulous and thorough in completing tasks or documents.
  • Hold Someone's Feet to the Fire
    To pressure someone to fulfill their commitments or obligations.
  • Read Between the Lines
    To understand the hidden or implied meaning in a text or conversation.
  • Strike While the Iron is Hot
    To act on an opportunity promptly, while it's still favorable.
  • By the Book
    To follow established rules or procedures precisely.
  • Leave No Stone Unturned
    To explore every possible option or avenue.
  • Get the Ball Rolling
    To initiate a process or start an activity.
  • Move the Goalposts
    To change the requirements or conditions of a task or project after it has begun.
  • Pick Someone's Brain
    To seek someone's advice or expertise.
  • Take the Plunge
    To commit to a significant decision or course of action, often with risks involved.
  • Cut to the Chase
    To get to the most important or relevant point without unnecessary details.
  • Cut Corners
    To take shortcuts or bypass essential steps, often compromising quality.
  • Run It Up the Flagpole
    To present an idea or proposal for discussion and feedback.
  • Bring Something to the Table
    To contribute something valuable or beneficial to a situation or project.
  • Strike a Happy Medium
    To find a balanced compromise between two extremes.