
Global Success 8 - End of term 1 review

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  • Ms. Hoa began playing the piano in 2005. --> Ms. Hoa has...
    Ms. Hoa has been playing the piano since 2005./Ms. Hoa has played the piano since 2005.
  • The laptop is not working because you haven't ………….it yet.
    C. pressed
    A. charged
    D. changed
    B. put
  • My father doesn’t allow me to go out with my friends at night. --> My father doesn’t let ...
    My father doesn’t let me go out with my friends at night.
  • Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of the primary stress in each of the following questions.
    B. invention
    D. advantage
    C. attention
    A. Internet
  • Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of the primary stress in each of the following questions.
    C. housework
    A. perform
    D. single
    B. litter
  • My mother is getting up early to prepare breakfast for the whole family every day.
    A. is getting up
    B. for
    C. to prepare
    D. whole
  • Rewrite the sentence using the given word
    will talk about
  • Rewrite the sentence using the given word
    There is a variety
  • My mother ……………the responsibility for running the household.
    A. takes
    C. runs
    D. holds
    B. bears
  • Our club needs more………….. to clean up the park at the weekend.
    D. spectators
    C. electrician
    B. assistants.
    A. volunteers
  • The local people planted many more trees in the neighborhood last week. --> Many more trees ....
    Many more trees are planted in the neighborhood last week (by the local people).
  • Minh is making progress in his English. He speaks ___ (fluently) he did last semester.
    more fluently than
  • Mai decided ____ (travel) to the Northern Highlands this summer to learn more about ethnic groups.
    to travel
  • Many elements (CLOSEST in meaning) of the blues have grown from the music of Africa and religious music.
    C. forms
    A. parts
    D. roles
    B. sheets
  • Rewrite the sentence using the given word
    it rained heavily
  • Judges travel all round America ……………search of the best singers and bring them to Hollywood.
    C. for
    A. in
    D. at
    B. on
  • Rewrite the sentence using the given word
    playing badminton more
  • He needs a hobby to keep him busy, make him happy, and stop him from get into mischief.
    A. get
    C. busy
    D. stop
    B. needs
  • The teacher asked all her students ………. the music performance.
    D. attended
    C. attending
    B. attend
    A. to attend
  • If you can do something to help others, you will find your life ………….
    B. helpless
    D. interested
    C. meaningless
    A. meaningful
  • The screen will ……………. the username in the top right-hand corner.
    A. display
    C. promote
    B. install
    D. store
  • Rewrite the sentence using the given word
    however it