
Have to or has to

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  • My friends _________ pick up their toys.
    have to
    has to
  • Choose the correct answer
    He have to sweep the floor.
    He has to sweep the floor.
  • Choose the correct answer
    Kyara has to make the bed
    Kyara have to make the bed.
  • My friends and I ______ cook dinner
    have to
    has to
  • Choose the correct answer
    They has to study.
    They have to study.
  • My mom _____ feed the dog.
    have to
    has to
  • They ________ practice the Chritsmas song.
    has to
    have to
  • Choose the correct answer
    They have to sleep.
    They has to wash the dishes.
    They has to sleep.
    They have to wash the dishes.
  • Freddy _______ take out the garbage.
    has to
    have to
  • Choose the correct answer
    He has to vacuum the living room.
    He have to vacuum the living room.