
L Sound Riddles

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  • This is a toy. You need a lot of them. You can build with them, but they aren't legos.
  • This is a flavor. Ice cream, yogurt and shakes can be this flavor. It's usually white.
  • It's when you are first. You guide the line of classmates down the hall. Everyone follows you.
  • This is a vegetable. It's green and crunchy. People eat it with peanut butter on it.
  • This is a flavor. Ice cream, candy bars, and tootsie rolls can be this flavor. It's usually brown.
  • This is way to fasten things. You can do it to your belt, and you should definitely do it to your seat belt.
  • This flies on a pole or hangs on a wall. Ours has stars and stripes. We look at it and say the pledge.
  • This is green. It's a vegetable. Some people thing it looks like a tree.
  • This is a sound you hear in the morning. It tells you to wake up. You can set it on your phone or your clock.
  • This comes in a jar. It's made of fruit. It goes well with peanut butter.
  • You hear this at Christmas when Santa and his reindeer are around. The sound is made from bells. It's a well-known song.
  • This can hang on a wall or be on your computer. It tells you the month and day and year.
  • This is a color. It's not in the rainbow. It's the darkest color.
  • You see these at the Y, or the high school. They are all along the wall. You can put your clothes or coat or books in them. They sometimes have a lock.
  • This comes in a jar. It can be dill or sweet. It's made from cucumbers. Some people put them on a hamburger.
  • This signals the time, but it's not a clock. You hear it at school. It tells you it's time for recess, for school to start, or to go home.
  • This is a special day. You can get lots of candy. You can wear a batman costume, princess, or ninja.
  • This is a toy. It's made of plastic. You can build with them. They fit together. They come in many sizes and shapes.
  • This is a treat made of sugar. It comes in many colors and flavors. It's on a stick and you can lick it.
  • You can plant these. You can give them to your mom for mother's day. They can be daisies or roses.
  • This is a season. It's another word for Autumn.
  • She's a princess in a fairy tale. She lost her slipper and found her prince charming.
  • This is a drink. People like it in the summer. It's made of lemons.
  • This is a huge number. You could win this much money in a lottery. People might say, you are one in a ____.
  • This is a fruit. It can be very big. It's got a hard green outside and a juicy red or pink inside, with some seeds.
  • It's a kind of transportation. You usually need to buy a ticket to ride in one and you sometimes need a passport. It's how you get to far away places.
  • You need two of these. You wear them in the house, but not outside. They go on your feet.
  • This is a kind of jewelry. People wear it on their wrists.
  • This comes in a bottle. You use it in art, or kindergarten, or to fix things. It's white and sticks things together.
  • This is a place in your school. You spend most of the day here. Your teacher's desk is probably in there.
  • They come in lots of combinations. They are the people you might be thankful for. Yours might have a mom, or a dad, or both, and maybe brothers or sisters.
  • These are probably in your closet, or your dresser, but hopefully not on the floor. You should wash them and fold them. They include pants and socks and shirts and sweaters.
  • It's in your kitchen cupboard, or maybe your dishwasher. You can put your cereal, soup, or ice cream in it.
  • This is made of cloth. It's warm and cozy. You cover up with it at night.
  • This is a fruit. It is yellow. It is very sour.
  • This is a healthy lunch or a side dish. It's made of lettuce or spinach and lots of veggies. You can put dressing on it.
  • This is a kid at school. I hope it's not you. He's mean to other kids.
  • This hangs on the wall, or sits on a shelf. It has numbers on it. It tells you the time.
  • You can give these to someone for their birthday. They come in many colors. You can blow them, bop them, and pop them.
  • You could see this in the sky on a special night. It's red and is pulled by 8 reindeer. Santa rides in it.
  • This is your favorite part of the school. It's where you go for recess.
  • This can rescue people. It can be a flight for life one. It has a propellor and can hover in the air.
  • This tells you the size. It's the size of a baby, or a lego, or a raisin. It's the opposite of big.
  • This is a color. It's a primary color and it's in the rainbow. It's the color of lemons and sunshine.
  • These can be in a house, or a school too. They usually have a door. They make good hiding places. They store your clothes and other things too.
  • This is a number. It has two digits that are both the same. It is the number before 12.