
Cause and Effect 6

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  • The man ate too much...
    1) He was healthy and fit. 2) He became unhealthy. 3) He read the newspaper.
  • Rodrigo had a question...
    1) He fell asleep in class. 2) He began to sing. 3) He raised his hand and asked a question.
  • It was Ana Sofia's birthday....
    1) So she studied all day. 2) She had a Zoom party with friends and family. 3) She forgot her own birthday.
  • The sun came out....
    1) It melted Maria Isabel's ice cream. 2) Maria Isabel had to wear a coat. 3) Maria Isabel went to bed.
  • Samuel paid attention in Science class...
    1) He did not understand the assignment. 2) He understood the assignment. 3) He visited his aunt.
  • Isa's clock was broken...
    1) She arrived late. 2) She arrived on time. 3) She ate spaghetti.