
GSA New Members

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  • When was the Equal Marriage Referendum in Ireland?
    22 May 2015
  • What was the result of the marriage referendum in Ireland?
    62.07% voted "yes"
  • What is the name of the landmark event that happened in New York, 1969, that was a catalyst for the gay and civil rights movement?
    The Stonewall Riots
  • Which popular singer set up the charity ‘The Happy Hippy Foundation” in 2015 to benefit LGBT homeless and at-risk youth?
    Miley Cyrus
  • Which country became the first in the world to allow gay marriages in 2001?
    The Netherlands
  • During the Second World War, the Nazis deported up to 15,000 gay men to concentration camps. What symbol were they forced to wear to identify them as homosexual?
    Pink Triangle