
Comparative Adjectives Trivia

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  • Which is ... (tall)? A giraffe or an elephant.
    Taller - A giraffe
  • Which country is ... (big)? Spain or England.
    Bigger - Spain
  • What planet is ... (small)? Earth or Mercury.
    Smaller - Mercury
  • Which animal is ... (small)? A gorilla or a chimpanzee.
    Smaller - Chimpanzee
  • Which animal is ... (difficult) to see? A penguin flying or a monkey swimming.
    More difficult - Penguin flying
  • Which is ... (quick)? Light or sound.
    Quicker - Light
  • What is ... (long)? The Seine river or river Thames. (Additional 10 points for telling me where both rivers are)
    Longer - Seine (Paris, France)
  • Which is ... (slow)? A tortoise or a snail.
    Slower - a snail
  • Which animal is ... (aggressive)? A hippo or a rhino?
    more aggressive - a hippo
  • Which is ... (short)? A kangaroo or an ostrich.
    Shorter - a kangaroo
  • What city is ... (foggy)? London or Milan?
    Foggier - Milan
  • Which is ... (dangerous)? A whale shark or a tiger shark.
    More dangerous - Tiger shark
  • What animal is ... (intelligent)? A parrot or a dog.
    More intelligent - a parrot
  • Which is ... (fast)? A cheetah or a motorcycle.
    Faster - a motorcycle
  • Which is ... (expensive)? A sports car or a jet?
    More expensive - jet
  • Which is ... (heavy)? A blue whale or a bus?
    Heavier - Blue whale
  • What's ... (big)? France or Spain.
    Bigger - France
  • Which country is ... (sunny)? Democratic Republic of the Congo or Canada.
    Sunnier - Democratic Republic of the Congo
  • Is it ... (easy) to see a white tiger or a black bear?
    Easier - black bear
  • Which country is ... (near) to South Pole? South Africa or Australia.
    Nearer - South Africa