
Genesis Bible review

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  • Where did God put Adam and Eve?
    In the Garden of Eden
  • What did God use to make Eve?
    God made Eve from Adam's rib
  • What did God use to make Adam?
    God made Adam from dust and breathed life into him
  • How did God make things during creation?
    He spoke, and whatever he said happened
  • What did God make on the 4th day of creation?
    The sun, moon and stars
  • What did God make on the 5th day of creation?
    The sea creatures and birds
  • What did God do on the 7th day of creation?
    He rested
  • What did God think about everything that he created?
    He was pleased with what He had made
  • What did God tell Adam and Eve to do?
    Be fruitful and multiply, fill the earth, rule over the animals and to take care of his creation
  • What did God make on the 6th day of creation?
    Land animals and people
  • Why are people such a special part of creation?
    They are made in the image of God
  • What did God make on the 2nd day of creation?
    He separated the waters above from the waters below, making the sky
  • What did God make on the 1st day of creation?
    light, separating day and night
  • What did God make on the 3rd day of creation?
    He gathered the seas into one place, made dry land, and made plants
  • Who named the animals?
  • What was the earth like before God filled it?
    dark and empty
  • What was the name of the tree that Adam and Eve could NOT eat from?
    The tree of the knowledge of good and evil