
Sense Organs

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  • What will not be present at blind spot?
    Sensory cells
  • What is Myopia?
    Short sightedness
  • Which of the two chambers of the eyes have the function of keeping the lens moist?
    Aqueous chamber
  • _________ layer of eyeball is made up of though fibrous tissues
    Sclerotic layer
  • Killing germs is not a function of tears. State True or False
  • ________ layer provides nourishment to the eyes
    Choroid layer
  • In case, a person is in tears, how many ducts are functional?
    6-12 ducts
  • What is oval window?
    A membrane covered opening leading to inner ear.
  • what is the function of blinking of eyelids?
    spread the liquid that serves as lubricant
  • The wall of eyeball is composed of 4 layers. State true or false.
  • The lens is collectively held in position by _______
    Suspensory ligament
  • The three bones of ears are collectively called _________
    Ear ossicles
  • Cones are mostly located in _________
    Center of Retina
  • Name the part that connects the cavity of middle ear with throat
    Eustachian tube
  • What is the function of eyelids
    protects outer surface of eyes
  • Part of the person's eye that stays alive for 40 hours after death.
  • which duct conducts secretions of tears duct into nasal cavity?
  • What part of the eye has connection with the word doll?
  • Macula lutea is also known as ___________
    Yellow spot