
Go Getter 1 Unit 4 body

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  • Has he got white teeth?
    Yes, he has.
  • What hair has he got?
    He's got short, spiky, blonde hair.
  • Has she got dark hair?
    No, she hasn't.
  • How many legs have they got?
    They've got four legs.
  • Has she got straight, red hair?
    No, she hasn't. She has got curly, brown hair.
  • What's this?
    It's a face.
  • What are they?
    They are feet.
  • Has a giraffe got a long neck?
    Yes, it has.
  • Has she got curly hair?
    Yes, she has.
  • What eyes has she got?
    She has got big, blue eyes.
  • Has he got long, wavy hair?
    Yes, he has.
  • What hair has she got?
    She's got long, straight, red hair.
  • Has Pinocchio got short nose?
    No, he hasn't. He has got a long nose.
  • What is that?
    That is a body.
  • Has Dambo got small ears?
    No, he hasn't. He has got big ears.
  • Has she got curly hair?
    No, she hasn't. She's got wavy hair.
  • What are these?
    These are arms.
  • Has Ariel got toes?
    Yes, she has.
  • What is it?
    It's a hand.
  • What is it?
    It is a head.
  • Has she got spiky hair?
    No, she hasn't.
  • What hair has she got?
    She has got long, blonde hair.
  • How many fingers can you see?
    I can see 5 fingers.