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  • Have you ever run a half marathon? After an hour's running the way ahead may seem...
    ENDLESS. Waiting can seem endless. Does it ever happen to you?
  • Who's the most AGELESS person you have met?
    Why do you think they don't look old?
  • You go running and you pant a lot. One could describe you as being...
    Breathless or out of breath. Can you remember the last time you felt really breathless? Have you ever felt out-of-breath in a dream?
  • Do you know of anyone who is really CARELESS on the road?
    What sort of mistakes do they make?
  • A person who is not afraid is...
  • What has been your most SENSELESS purchase this year?
    How come you bought it?
  • A person who doesn't have a home and lives on the streets is...
  • He has been a teacher, a plumber and has had a huge number of other jobs too. He has had _______ jobs.
  • When did someone in authority last set you a POINTLESS task?
    What was it? How did you react?
  • What is the opposite of 'kind', ending in LESS? (use a part of the body)
  • In what situation do you get RESTLESS?
    Is there a lot of RESTLESSNESS in your family?
  • Same as UNNECESSARY is...
  • Have you ever read a book or watched a movie you feel is TIMELESS?
    Why does it have this quality of timelessness in you?
  • Have you ever been in a situation you felt POWERLESS?
    Say more about it