
Jobs & Occupations

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  • This is someone who puts out fires in places
  • This is someone who treats people who are ill.
    A doctor
  • This is someone who catches criminals and makes sure that people obey the law.
    A police officer
  • This is someone who looks after people's teeth.
    A dentist
  • This is someone who produces musical sounds with his/her voice.
    A singer
  • This is someone who cleans the rooms inside a building.
    A cleaner
  • This is someone who prepare meals and deserts.
    A cook
  • This is someone who study many subjects at school.
  • This is someone who performs in a play or film.
    An actor
  • This is someone who looks after injured or ill animals.
    A vet
  • This is someone who types letters, arranges meetings, answers telephone calls etc in an office.
    A secretary
  • This is someone who washes, cuts, and arranges people's hair.
    A hairdresser