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  • What have you enjoyed about this book? Which story did you find more interesting? Why?
    student's answer
  • how does Mma R's past, particularly her childhood experiences and family background, shape her approach to solving cases and her interactions with clients?
    student's answer
  • Talk about two of these people: Mma Ramostwe, Mr Matakoni, Nandira Patel, Charlie Gotso and Mr Patel. What are they like? Compare them.
    student's answer
  • Chapter 7: What did did Mma Ramotswe do when she saw a snake? Describe what happended.
    student's answer
  • Who is your favourite main character? Why?
    student's answer
  • In chapter 7 there is a claim for a missing finger. When do people make insurance claims? Give 3 examples. Do you know someone who made an insurance claim?
    student's answer
  • What did Happy reveal about her childhood and family?
    student's answer
  • Compare these three characters: Mark,Note Makoti and JLB Matekoni
    student's answer
  • In chapter 8, Mr Matakoni is unhappy about telling lies. Is it ever acceptable or good to tell a lie?
    student's answer
  • Analyze the growth of the protagonist, Mma Ramotswe, throughout the book. How does she evolve personally and professionally as she deals with various cases and life experiences?
    student's answer
  • Describe how love is shown in all the stories
    student's answer
  • Talk about the careless doctor case
    student's answer
  • Tell us about what you learnt about Botswana and the way of life there from this book.
    student's answer
  • Chapter 6, why did Mma Pekwane go to see Mma Ramostwe?
    student's answer
  • How did Mma Ramotswe 's father acquire the money to start her business?
    student's answer
  • How did the number one ladies detective agency become successful?
    student's answer
  • Compare all the women protagonists in the all the stories we read
    student's answer
  • Compare all the men protagonists in all the stories we read
    student's answer
  • In what ways does the book explore the theme of morality, particularly regarding ethical decisions made by Mma Ramotswe in solving cases? Can you provide examples that illustrate these moral dilemmas?
    student's answer
  • Chapter 8: How did Mma Ramostwe find "a bone"? Explain
    student's answer
  • Chapter 7:What was Hector Lepodise’s problem?
  • How did Mma Ramostswe meet her boyfriend? What kind of relationship did they have?
    student's answer
  • Explain what happended to Mma Malatsi's husband
    student's answer
  • Talk about the missing child case.
    student's answer