
Happy Street 1 Unit 3

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  • Where is it?
    In Czechia, In the Czech Republic, In Prague
  • Přelož: Já nevím.
    I don't know.
  • Doplň: It's a plastic...
  • What number is this?
  • What's this?
    It's a pencil sharpener.
  • Přelož: Umíš hrát na rumbakoule?
    Can you play the maracas?
  • Is it a train?
    No, it isn't.
  • What's this?
    It's a sock.
  • Is it a doll?
    Yes, it is.
  • Přelož: Umíš hrát na piano?
    Can you play the piano?
  • Přelož: Umíš hrát na housle?
    Can you play the violin?
  • Přelož: Pomoc!
  • Přelož: zelený náklaďák
    a green lorry
  • What colour is it?
    It's red.
  • What's this?
    It's a monster.
  • What game is this?
    It's CARDS.
  • Doplň: Hands
  • Přelož: oblíbený
  • What colour is it?
    It's pink
  • Přelož: Umíš hrát na buben?
    Can you play the drum?
  • Is it a car?
    Yes, it is.
  • What number is this?
  • Přelož: Kde je to?
    Where is it?
  • Is it a robot?
    No, it isn't.
  • Přelož: Co je to?
    What's this? What is it?
  • Whats this?
    It's a rocking horse.
  • Where is it?
    In the UK
  • Přelož: Jsem v pohodě.
    I'm fine. I'm ok.
  • What number is this?
  • What's this?
    It's a pencil-case.
  • Přelož: Kdo je to?
    Who's this? Who is it?
  • What's this?
    It's a button.
  • What number is this?
  • What colour is it?
    It's orange.
  • Přelož: oranžové auto
    an orange car
  • Is it a pogo stick?
    Yes, it is.
  • Přelož: Pojďme si hrát.
    Let's play
  • Where is it?
    In Australia.
  • What colour is it?
    It's black.
  • What number is this?
  • What's this?
    It's a pen.
  • What colour is it?
    It's purple.
  • Přelož: černá panenka
    a black doll
  • What number is this?
  • What number is this?
  • Doplň: Stand
  • Přelož: Umíš lyžovat?
    Can you ski?
  • Doplň: Turn
  • What game is this?
    It's Snakes and Ladders
  • What colour is it?
    It's yellow.
  • Doplň: Sit
  • Where is it?
    In the USA
  • Přelož: Umíš hrát na tamburínu?
    Can you play the tambourine?
  • Is it a lorry?
    No, it isn't.
  • What game is this?
    It's LUDO
  • What colour is it?
    It's blue.
  • What number is this?
  • Where is it?
    In South Africa.
  • Přelož: Jsi v pohodě?
    Are you ok?
  • What number is this?
  • Přelož: Je zima.
    It's cold.
  • Where is it?
    In India.
  • Přelož: Na. Tady máš.
    Here you are.
  • Doplň: It's a cardboard...
  • What colour is it?
    It's white.
  • What colour is it?
    It's green.
  • Is it a rocket?
    Yes, it is.
  • What colour is it?
    It's brown.
  • Where is it?
    In Canada
  • What's this?
    It's glue.