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  • What does the legend state will happen if you kiss the Blarney Stone?
    You will never be short of something to talk about.
  • Name 2 groups of people that called Ireland their home during different times in history.
    Stone Age People & Vikings
  • How do people celebrate St Patrick's Day?
  • Name 3 types of Irish food/drink.
  • What is the capital city of Ireland?
    The capital city of Ireland is Dublin.
  • What is Ireland’s climate classified as?
    Mild temperate oceanic climate
  • Name 3 places in Ireland.
  • What happened to Ireland in the 1800’s?
    They suffered a terrible famine.
  • Who was St Patrick?
    St. Patrick is the patron saint of Ireland.
  • Where is Ireland?
  • What is the difference between Ireland and Northern Ireland?
  • How long can a president serve in Ireland?
    2 terms of 7 years.
  • How do you say hello in Irish?
    dia duit
  • How long ago were the Cliffs of Moher formed?
    Over 300 million years ago.