
CL2 - Midterm Review

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  • Tell us 2 past habits of yours
    I used to...
  • Make a sentence with the words: climate change
  • Choose the best option: Where would you go if you (can / could) travel to anywhere in the world?
  • Answer the question using the second conditional:"What would you do If you could fly?"
    "If I could fly I would..."
  • Choose the best option: I wish my friends ( treated / treat ) boyfriend well
  • Choose the best option: Maria (is / has been) studying Spanish for 5 years now.
    has been
  • Choose the best option: Tina (has / didn't) never read the Harry Potter books
  • Say if the sentence is correct or not. Justify your answer: "Did you ever go to São Paulo"
    It's not correct. When we talk about life experience we use the present perfect "have you ever been to"
  • Express a wish using the word: wish - can (in the past) - live
    I wish I could live with my grandmother
  • Answer the question using the second conditional:"What would you do If you were the president of your country"
    "If I were the president of my country I would..."
  • Make a sentence using the second conditional with the words: be (in the past) - rich -would - travel
    If I were rich, I would...
  • Make a sentence using the words: able to - win - competition - yesterday
    I was able to win the competition yesterday
  • Tell us 2 past habits of yours
    I used to...
  • Say if the sentence is correct or not. Justify your answer "I have been to London yesterday"
    It's not correct, we don't use 'yesterday' with the present perfect
  • Make a sentence in the present perfect
    I have + verb (past participle)
  • Make a sentence with the words: weather forecast
  • Make a sentence in the present perfect
    I have + verb (past participle)
  • Answer the question using the correct structure: "What would you do If you had super powers?"
    I would...
  • Choose the best option: When I was a kid, I (used to eat / have eaten) salad.
    used to