
Gold B2 (Unit 1-3) Revision

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  • Alex was ______ away by the paintings in the gallery. He thought they were amazing.
  • We were all really m______ by the story of the boy who saved his pocket money to buy books for poorer children.
  • The head teacher would like a high a________ for the school play.
  • In five years’ time, it’s likely that we __________(live) in the countryside.
    will be living
  • Few / Little students know what they want to study at university when they start high school.
  • The pilot apologised ____ the delay in taking off.
  • The head teacher has a strict policy when it comes to _____ . You have to wear the correct school uniform or you will get sent home.
  • I _________(study) English for six years now.
    have been studying
  • Tina was over the ______with her exam results. She got top marks in all her subjects.
  • My dad ____________(fly) to Spain for a meeting, but then it was cancelled.
    was going to fly
  • The school bus (leave) at 7.45 a.m.
  • There are plenty of / several of students who are good at science but not all of them have worked at the science museum.
    plenty of
  • I was late for school so I got given d_____. I had to stay behind after school and help tidy the classroom.
  • We reached the summit on our third ________.
  • Some people ____ a living from blogging. I’d like to do this when I leave school.
  • Lenny ______his goal of climbing the highest mountain in England.
  • Our science teacher thinks we can benefit _____ working as a team in class.
  • By next year, I (learn) English for eight years.
    will have been learning
  • Jack’s class did an ________ about energy in his science class yesterday.
  • Pat’s geography teacher gave the class a h_________ about cloud formation.
  • The new timetable ______ (be) likely to include computing science.
  • I thought I’d lost my wallet so I was r_____ to find I’d left it in the shop when I went back to check.
  • I (have) my first Spanish lesson tomorrow. It will be great!
    am having
  • I think we_______ (stay) at home this summer. Dad is saving up to take us to Mexico next year.
    will stay/ are going to stay
  • As soon as I _______(know) my exam results, I’ll text you.
  • Jenny has got a new t_______ this term. She now has Maths three days a week.
  • Our maths teacher _____ always _____ (ask) us not to use our mobile phones in class.
    was always asking
  • By this time next week, Tom ____ (leave) school.
    will have left
  • I want to be self-employed when I finish studying. I’d like to be my own ____ .
  • After finishing school, I (look) for a job in the tourism industry.
    will look/ am going to look
  • Lenny got a low g______ by getting a bad mark in the end of year test.
  • I think bankers in this country earn too much /not enough money. They should give some of it to charity.