
Job Exploration

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  • You would like to be chef someday. A good entry level job for you might be:
    All of these
    A server at a restaurant
    Washing dishes in a cafeteria
    Working the counter of a bakery
  • A good job for someone who likes to help others might be:
    Hospital Assistant
    Computer Operator
  • Which one of these is considered an ENTRY LEVEL job?
    Restaurant Worker
  • Five points if you ask your teacher what his/ her first (entry level) job was!
    Teacher's Answer
  • What's an ENTRY LEVEL task at a vetrinary clinic?
    Train new Veterinarians
    Operate on sick animals
    Clean dirty dog cages
  • To come up with a good career for me, I should think about:
    What I'm good at.
    What I love
    All of these
    What the world needs
  • A construction job would NOT be good for someone who...
    Loves being outdoors
    Doesn't like to get dirty
    Likes creating and building
  • Which one of these is true of entry level jobs?
    They are your dream job
    They usually pay a lot of money.
    They give you good experience to move into a career
  • If you're good with numbers, you could enjoy a job like:
    Banking and Finance
    Interior Design
  • A photographer is an example of someone who is:
    Enterprising, like to talk, like people and numbers
    Conventional, organized, likes rules and structure
    Artistic, creative, independent,
  • True or False: You will find your DREAM JOB right away if you look in the right places
    False: You might have to start with an entry level job first.