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  • What continent is this?
    South America
  • Which tree has a distinct smell?
  • What do elephants eat?
    Leaves, fruit, and grass
  • What animal is this?
    a giraffe
  • What continent is this?
  • What is the tallest land animal on earth?
  • Wildebeests are one type of ______________
  • Which type of grass has razor sharp edges?
    elephant grass
  • What is the largest land animal on earth?
    African Elephant
  • Fix the sentence: predators / include / Wildebeest / lions, crocodiles and other meat eaters. /
    Wildebeest predators include lions, crocodiles and other meat eaters.
  • Which insect has the longest lifespan on earth?
    Queen Termite
  • Why are locusts so dangerous?
    Eat all vegetation, leave nothing for other animals or people
  • What is a group of locusts called?
    Swarm or plague
  • What are male zebras called?
  • What do giraffe like to eat?
    The leaves of the acacia tree
  • Zebras are ungulates which means....
    They have hooves
  • What is a group of termites called?
  • What are male elephants called?
  • Which continent are most eucalyptus trees from?
  • What tree is this?
    It's an acacia tree.
  • What are these?
  • What tree is this?
    It's a baobab tree.
  • Which type of grass has large, fluffy flowers?
    pampa grass
  • How long can locusts stay in hibernation?
    Almost 20 years
  • What does the word migrate mean?
    When animals move between locations regularly to find food/water
  • What body par do elephants use to keep them cool?
  • Antelope have sharp _________ that they use for protection
  • What is the meaning of ruminant?
    animal with stomach divided into 4 parts
  • Zebras stripes are thought to help with what 2 things?
    Thermoregulation, repelling flies and camoflauge
  • Where is the biggest savanna?
    In Africa
  • Elephants long teeth are called ____________.
  • Approximately how much water can a baobab tree hold?
    100,000 liters
  • Which termite is the most important in the whole colony?
    The queen
  • What are the two seasons in the savanna?
    The dry season and the wet season.
  • What animal is this?
    a hippo
  • What animal is this?
    a crocodile
  • what are young locusts called? Why?
    Hoppers because they can't fly yet
  • What is the elephant's nose called?
  • How fast can a giraffe run?
    56 km/h
  • What animal is this?
    an ostrich