
Cell cycle regulation

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  • Cancer cells spend less time in __________ than do normal cells.
  • Cancer only occurs in weak organisms: True or False?
  • Often, the damage that occurs in a cell is repaired by various repair systems. But if the repair system fail, cancer can result: True or False?
  • What does apoptosis prevent?
    can help to protect organisms from developing cancerous growths.
  • Mention 2 causes of cancer
    mutations or changes in the segments of DNA, carcinogens, inherit changes
  • What are carcinogens?
    Substances and agents that are known to cause cancer.
  • Why the risk of cancer increases with age?
    Over time, there might be many changes in DNA.
  • Give 2 examples of carcinogens
    ultraviolet radiation from sun, x-rays, tobacco, viruses
  • When does apoptosis occurs?
    When cells are damaged beyond repair
  • What controls the cell cycle?
    A mechanisms involving proteins & enzymes
  • Which substances combine together signal the start and the end of the cell cycle?
    The combination of cyclin with CDK
  • Is the programmed cell death, for those cells that is not destined to survive:
  • What is cancer?
    uncontrolled growth and division of cells.