
Voicemail - Intranet - Handling mail

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  • Title (for example in a news story)
    Heading / headline
  • Diagram or graphic that explains a process
    Flow chart
  • Another way of saying "Capital letter"
    Upper-case letter
  • It's a synonim of get or access messages (from a voicemail)
  • To access the Intranet you must double click the company icon and ... ..
    log in
  • To know what is said in a message 20 seconds later you must ... the message.
    fast forward
  • When you want to make sure that a letter arrives safely, you send it by
    Registered mail
  • When the phone receiver is not placed in the right position, it's ... ... ....
    off the hook
  • A document with the details of your bank account
    Bank statement
  • The price of sending a letter according to its weight
  • You list all the incoming mail in the .... ...
    Mail log
  • What are these symbols called? # and *
    Hash and star
  • Another document sent with the main document
    Attachment / Enclosure
  • A message that you record for other people to listen is an ........ message
  • the working area of a computer screen