
Five Oceans 2nd grade

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  • Is a shark mammal or fish?
  • Which ocean is the coldest?
    Artic Ocean
  • Where is the Southern Ocean located?
    South Pole
  • Which 3 oceans do Jelly Fish live?
    Pacific, Atlantic, Indian
  • Name the five oceans
    Pacific, Atlantic, Indian, Southern, Artic
  • Where is the Artic Ocean located?
    North Pole
  • Is a whale mammal or fish?
  • What is the largest & deepest ocean?
    Pacific Ocean
  • Which ocean has 25,000 islands?
    Pacific Ocean
  • Where does a marine animal live?
    In the ocean/sea
  • Which ocean is the 3rd largest?
  • Why can't you drink ocean water?
    It has salt in it
  • Which ocean is the warmest?
    Indian Ocean