
Passive voice

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  • The mistakes will be corrected by her.
    She will correct the mistakes.
  • He has already prepared the report.
    The report has already been prepared by him.
  • Money will be lent to her friend by her.
    She will lend money to her friend.
  • Rio was writing a letter.
    A letter was being written by Rio.
  • The professor is teaching the students.
    The students are being taught by the professor.
  • The lazy dog was bitten by the quick brown fox.
    The quick brown fox bit the lazy dog.
  • It is time for the bell ___ ___ ________ (to ring).
    to be rung
  • Someone has stolen my pen.
    My pen has been stolen.
  • Tickets to the concert have been bought by us.
    We have bought tickets to the concert.
  • The news ______ (announced) by him tomorrow.
    will be announced / is going to be announced
  • Pam has bought a new ring recently.
    A new ring has been bought by Pam recently.
  • Ann will sing a beautiful song.
    A beautiful song will be sung by Ann.
  • They will deliver the new product next month.
    The new product will be delivered next month (by them).
  • The bank was robbed on Tuesday.
    Someone robbed the bank on Tuesday.
  • Classes are attended by them every day.
    They attend classes every day.
  • The bottle was recycled by Christopher.
    Christopher recycled the bottle.
  • The letter _______ (receive) by him two days ago.
    was received
  • I clean my room every day.
    My room is cleaned (by me) every day.
  • The relatives are being met by us now.
    We are meeting the relatives now.