
Apologia Advacned Biology Module 6

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  • Identify structures F, G, H and I.
    F-pectoralis major, G-linea alba, H-rectus abdominus, I-sheath covering the rectus abdominus
  • label N and O
    N-lateral pterygoid, O-medial terygoid
  • Define the origin, the insertion and the belly of the muscle.
    The origin is where it connects to the more stationary bone, the insertion is where it connects to the more movable bone, the belly is is the widest and contain
  • Give an example of a 1st class lever in the body.
    nodding of the head
  • What is the extensor retinaculum?
    the extensor retinaculum is a fibrous band that holds the extensor tendons in place and prevents bow-stringing
  • Identify d, e, f and g.
    d-gluteus maximus, e. adductor magnus f-semimembranosus g-semitendinosus
  • define agonist and antagonist.
    The agonist is the prime mover and the antagonist is the muscle that works against it.
  • identify f, g, h and i.
    f. triceps brachii, g. extensor carpi ulnaris, h. extensor carpi radialis longus, i. extensor retinaculum
  • Identify h, i, j, k.
    h.psoas major i.iliacus, j-sartoris, k-rectus femorus
  • Identify a, b, c, and d.
    a-gastrocnemius b-peroneus brevis c-Achilles tendon d-extensor digitorum longus
  • label A, B, C, and D
    A-frontalis, B-Occipitalis, C- sternocleidomastoid, D-posterior triangle
  • Identify e, f g and h..
    e-tibialis anterior f-soleus g-extensor retinaculum, h-patellar tendon
  • What is the Linea alba?
    A band of white fibrous tissue running down the middle of the abdominal wall from the base of the sternum to the top of the pelvis.
  • Identify a, b and c.
    a. gluteus medius b. biceps femoris e. adductor magnus
  • Identify l, m,and n.
    l-gracilis, m-adductor longus, n-vastus medialis
  • Identify muscles A, B, C, D.
    A-Trapezius, B-deltoid. C-latissimus dorsi, D-rhomboideus minor
  • label E, F, G and H
    E-temporalis, F-orbicularis oculi, G-Zygomaticus minor, H- Zygomaticus minor
  • Identify I, J, K and L.
    I-teres minor , J-deltoid, K-teres major, L-triceps brachaii
  • Label A, B, C and D.
    A-Deltoid, B-trapezius, C-subscapularis, D-biceps brachaii
  • Label I, J, K, L and M
    I-masseter, J-orbicularis oris, K-buccinator, L-platysma, M-trapezius
  • What is the proper name of the "kissing" muscle?
    orbicularis oris
  • Identify the structures A, B, C, D, and E.
    A-Pectoralis minor, B-External obliques, C-Internal obliques, D-transverus abdominus, E-Deltoid
  • Give an example of the 2nd class lever in the body
    The gastrocnemius pulling the Achilles tendon to cause a person to stand on tip toe
  • What defines the extrinsic muscles of the hand or foot?
    They are the muscles that are not located in the hand or foot that move the hand or foot
  • Give an example of a 3rd class lever in the body.
    The bicep brachii pulling on the forearm near the elbow to raise the hand.
  • Identify a, b, c, d and e
    a. biceps brachii b. supinator c. brachioradialis d. pronator teres e. flexor carpi radialis
  • Identify muscles E, F, G, and H.
    E-rhomboideus major, F-levator scapulae, G-supraspinatus, H-infraspinatus
  • What muscles are involved in mastication?
    masseter, lateral pterygoid, medial pterygoid, temporalis
  • Do abdominal muscles support the spine?
    the abdominals and back work together to support the spine when we sit, stand, bend over, pick things up, exercise and more.
  • What are synergists?
    muscles that work together to create one movement.