
Behind the Door - Part 1

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  • What did the old man advise Salem not to do?
    The old man advised Salem to never ask any questions about the unhappy house.
  • What did the old man offer Salem?
    The old man offered Salem to be a servant in his house.
  • Did Salem accept the old man's offer?
    Yes, he accepted it.
  • What happened to Salem’s father?
    Salem's father died.
  • After losing everything, what did Salem do for a living?
    Salem waited for work and sometimes carried things for people.
  • Who spoke to Salem one day?
    An old man spoke to Salem one day.
  • What did Salem do with the houses and the money?
    Salem sold the houses and lost the money.
  • What did Salem's father leave to him after he died?
    He left his money and houses to Salem.