
Year 3 Settlements

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  • What is commerce?
    Shops and businesses.
  • What are the positives of living in a city?
    Many amenities, good transport links, access to healthcare.
  • What type of settlement is Biddestone?
  • What did early settlers need when choosing a location?
    Water, food, protection from enemies, protection from weather, transport
  • What is a hamlet?
    A settlement with a few houses and usually no shops or businesses.
  • What is industry?
  • What type of settlement is Corsham?
  • What is a town?
    A settlement with thousands of people, shops, businesses and schools.
  • Name the four main compass points in order.
    North, East, South, West
  • What is a village?
    A settlement with a few hundred or thousand people, perhaps a church and some shops.
  • What are the negatives of living in a city?
    Overcrowding, expensive housing, pollution.
  • What is a city?
    A city is a large settlement with hundreds of thousands, or millions of people, it may have an airport, university, and many other features.
  • Describe land use in this settlement.
    The land in this village is used for residential buildings and agriculture.
  • What type of settlement is London?
  • List some amenities found in Corsham
    Schools, shops, restaurants, pubs, library, swimming pool.
  • What is agriculture?
  • What is residential land?
    Land used for homes and houses.