
Body I Skipper

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  • to keep moving your body, your hands or your feet because you are nervous, bored, excited, etc.
    to fidget
  • to shake  because of a strong feeling
    to shudder
  • in which the front part of one vehicle hits the front part of another vehicle
  • to move your head or body downwards to avoid being hit or seen
    to duck
  • to raise your shoulders and then drop them to show that you do not know or care about something
    to shrug your shoulders
  • to bring or hold your hands together
    to fold your arms
  • to shake slightly because you are cold
    to shiver
  • to shake slightly in a way that you cannot control, especially because you are upset or frightened
    to tremble
  • to lower your body close to the ground by  bending  your  knees  completely
    to crouch/ squat
  • to move so that you are lying or sitting with your arms and legs bent close to your body
    to curl up
  • extremely frightening but often exciting
  • when you ........ your hands, teeth, etc., or when they ....., you press them together tightly, usually showing that you are angry, determined or upset
  • if your stomach .............., it makes a noise, especially because you are hungry
  • to injure a joint in your body, especially your wrist or ankle, by suddenly twisting it
    to sprain your ankle/wrist
  • a ......... book has been read many times
  • obtained or experienced yourself (adj)
  • extremely frightening
  • to push somebody gently, especially with your elbow, in order to get their attention
    to nudge