
G-11 4/5

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  • What is this and use it in a sentence?
    Volcano. Did you see the volcano on the big island erupted?
  • What is this and use it in a sentence?
    Present. Thank you for bringing a present.
  • Use the superlative of large in a sentence.
    Russia is the largest country in the world.
  • Define poisonous and use it in a sentence.
    Their venom is poisonous and can kill you.
  • What is this and use it in a sentence?
    Ring. Did you see the ring he gave her?
  • What is this and use it in a sentence?
    Wedding dress. Wow, that is the most beautiful wedding dress I have seen.
  • Use the superlative of beautiful in a sentence.
    Nha Trang has the most beautiful beaches.
  • What is this and use it in a sentence?
    Continent. Asia is the largest continent.
  • What is this and use it in a sentence?
    Island, Hawaii is a beautiful island to visit.
  • What is this and use it in a sentence?
    Bride and groom. The bride and groom are about are about to cut the cake.
  • What is this and use it in a sentence?
    Fireworks, We went the river front and watched the fireworks for Independance day.
  • Define fatal and use it in a sentence.
    Deadly. Their bite can be fatal is it is not treated.
  • What is this and use it in a sentence?
    Candle. That candle smells great.
  • Use the superlative of dry in a sentence.
    This desert is the driest place in the America
  • What is the largest country?
    Russia is 17,098,246 km². Vietnam is 331,211.6 km²