
EOC Review Mix-up #2

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  • Why is Betty Friedan a significant person in history?
    She wrote The Feminine Mystique and argued for women's rights, such as abortion and equal pay
  • Who created the United Farm Workers movement and what methods did he use to gain rights for Hispanic farmers?
    Cesar Chavez used non-violent methods
  • What was the Iran Hostage Crisis?
    The U.S. Embassy was attacked in Iran and hostages were held for 444 days; they were only released when Carter was no longer President.
  • Self-government and natural rights is a model for which American document?
    The Declaration of Independence
  • What role did Cornwallis play in the Revolutionary War?
    He was the British officer who settled his men at Yorktown and then surrendered after they were surrounded.
  • A neighborhood of houses that were built after WWII and looked very similar.
  • The colonists were fed up with the many taxes from the British Parliament. What was their "slogan?"
    No taxation without representation
  • Who was Sandra Day O'Connor?
    The first woman on the Supreme Court
  • What was the aim of LBJ's "Great Society?"
    To help people overcome poverty.
  • Who is the main person who influenced the Declaration of Independence?
    John Locke
  • How did the media influence the American public's perception of the Vietnam war?
    People saw the violence and death on T.V. and didn't think the war was worth it.
  • What was the name of the quasi-luxury items imported into the colonies including paper, lead, tea, and paint?
    Townshend Acts
  • What two countries did Richard Nixon improve U.S. relations with?
    Soviet Union and China
  • What are the Bill of Rights?
    The first 10 amendments to the Constitution
  • What was the failed U.S. attack of Cuba to get rid of Fidel Castro?
    Bay of Pigs
  • What Supreme Court case overturned Plessy v. Ferguson and what did it state?
    Brown v. Board of Education - segregation was unconstitutional
  • How did the Sons and Daughters of Liberty respond to the Townshend Acts?
    They boycotted (stopped importing and buying) British goods.
  • What was the first (Soviet) satellite in space? How did the U.S. respond?
    Sputnik; it increased funding for math and science