
Modal Verbs

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  • On nie może chodzić do szkoły. Ma kwarantanne.
    He mustn't go to school. He's on quarantine.
  • Where are you? What must and musn't you do?
  • Say the rule. Where can you see this sign?
    You musn't eat and drink here.
  • You _____________ spend too much time in front of TV.
    You shouldn't spend too much time in front of TV.
  • You ________ be quiet if you are at the library.
    You must be quiet if you are at the library.
  • You ____________ brush your teeth twice, or three times a day.
    You SHOULD brush your teeth twice, or three times a day.
  • Czy musiałeś iść wczoraj na zakupy?
    Did you have to go shopping yesterday?
  • Ela nie musi wstawać rano.
    Ela doesn't have to wake/get up early in the morning.
  • You are in the museum. You.... [MUST&MUSTN'T]
  • You are in the classroom. You... [MUST&MUSTN'T]
  • Musisz to zobaczyć! To jest niesamowite!
    You must see it! It's incredible!
  • Nie powinieneś pić coli.
    You shouldn't drink cola.
  • Nie musiałeś iść wczoraj na zakupy.
    You didn't have to go shopping yesterday.
  • Tell the rule.
    You musn't park here.
  • Mateusz has played ukulele for 2 years. He _____ be very good at it.
    Mateusz has played ukulele for 2 years. He MUST be very good at it.
  • Students _______ run in the corridors.
    Students shouldn't run in the corridors.
  • Czy ona musi chodzić na lekcje gry na skrzypach?
    Does she have to go to violin lessons?
  • Powinieneś iść do lekarza.
    You should go to the doctor.
  • Say the rule.
    You must turn left / You must go left.
  • You are in teh shopping centre. You... [MUST&MUSTN'T&SHOULD]
  • A: Can you help me? B: Sorry, I can't. I ________________ go to the library.
    A: Can you help me? B: Sorry, I can't. I HAVE TO go to the library.
  • Ona nie musi chodzić na korepetycje z matematyki.
    She doesn't have to go on extra Maths lessons.
  • You _______________ turn left. Look at the sign.
    You _______________ turn left. Look at the sign.
  • Nie musisz odkurzać salonu. Ja to zrobię.
    You don't have to vacuum the living room. I'll do it.
  • You ____ go to bed late the night before and important exam.
    You MUSTN'T go to bed late the night before and important exam.