
random questions

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  • what occupation would you like to work in the future?
  • if you'd have to choose between eat just savory food or just sweet food, what would you choose?
  • what is your favorite movie? why?
  • what do you do when you have some free time?
  • do you do regular fisical activities? why not/what do you do?
  • which one of the 4 seasons (winter, summer, autumn and spring) is your favorite? why?
  • do you think you have a health lifestyle? why/why not?
  • what is your favorite school subject? why?
  • do you prefer having a lot of friends but not so close ones or just a few friemds but really close ones? why?
  • if you have to choose one place to visit NOW, where would you go? and why?
  • do you prefer coffee, water or soda?
  • do you have a hobby? what is it?
  • what is your favorite serie? why?
  • what do you think is going to be different in the next 30 years?
  • do you think it's important to think about the future? why?
  • where, outside of brazil, would you like to live? why?
  • do you like living in linhares? why/why not?
  • what are some foods you would not eat even if for a million dollars? why?
  • who's your favorite singer? what is your favorite music from his/her?
  • where you went to in your last vacation? did you like it?
  • do you like summer? would you like to spend the summer in the beach?
  • would you prefer living in nyc or paris?
  • what is the worst school subject in your opinion? why?
  • where, inside of brazil, would you like to live? why?