
idioms for kids

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  • drive me nuts
    make a person crazy or upset
  • get a kick out of it
    to think it is funny, to be fun
  • raining cats and dogs
    raining really hard, pouring rain
  • apple of my eye
    to be a favorite, to be fond of someone
  • smart cookie
    a smart person, super smart
  • scared stiff
    extremely scared, so scared you cannot move
  • ring a bell
    to remember
  • piece of cake
  • cold feet
    scared, unsure, hesitating due to fear
  • give it a shot
    to try or attempt something
  • pulling my leg
    telling a joke, telling a lie, saying something untrue to be funny
  • broken hearted
    overwhelmed by grief, sad because of a loss
  • time flies
    time goes by fast
  • butterflies in my tummy
  • tough cookie
    to be strong, to persist, to keep going