
unit 2- looking after your health. grade 5

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  • What is a diagnosis? Who gives a diagnosis?
    A diagnosis is learning what illness a person has by studying the signs and symptoms. A doctor gives the diagnosis
  • _____ is a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being.
  • What is a contagious disease? Give an example.
    it moves from one person to another. Examples: Flu, Covid-19, measles
  • Malaria is caused by which infectious agent?
  • What is primary care?
    Health center or general doctor
  • What is specialised care?
    Hospitals or specialists
  • Give an example of a diagnosis test.
    X-ray, ultrasound, etc.
  • _____is when something internal or external causes an alteration in your body function for a period of time.
  • Cardiovascular diseases which affect the circulatory system are infectious or non infectious?
    non infectious
  • Tramatic Injuries like burns, breaks, sprains... are infectious or non infectious?
    non infectious
  • Tuberculosis or salmonellosis is caused by which infectious agent?
  • What are the 4 infectious agents?
    Bacteria, Fungi, Protazoans, Viruses
  • Cancer... infectious or non infectious?
    non infectious
  • Covid-19 or other illnesses like the common cold or flu is caused by which infectious agent?
  • congential diseases.. from birth or pregnancy are infectious or non infectious?
    non infectious
  • Diseases that affect our mood and behavior, like depression or anorexia, are infectious or non infectious?
    non infectious
  • What is a non- contagious disease? Give an example.
    it does not move from one person to another. Examples: tetnus, breaking your leg, etc.
  • What are symptoms?
    are the changes in you notice in your body when you are ill.
  • Allergies... are infectious or non infectious?
    non infectious
  • What are signs?
    are what a healthcare worker can see on your body in a medical examination.
  • True or False: Vaccines are substances that stop you from developing a disease?
  • Respiratory diseases, like having bad lungs... are infectious or non infectious?
    non infectious
  • Nutritional diseases are infectious or non infectious?
    non infectious
  • Athletes foot and ringworm are caused by which infectious agent?