
Unit 1 and 2 - Cool Kids 4

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  • Unscramble the question and answer it: become / ? / Can / invisible / you
    No, I can't.
  • Can you make toys?
    Yes, I can / No, I can't
  • Whose knee pads are these? (negative)
    They're not mine / They're not hers / They're not his (...)
  • Unscramble the question and answer it: fly / ? / Fadinha / Can
    No, she can't.
  • Whose gloves are these?
    They're mine / IThey're hers / IThey're his (...)
  • Who can cook in your class?
    _____ can cook. / _____ can.
  • Who can dance in your family?
    I can / My father can / My mother can / My brother can (...)
  • What sports can you play?
    I can play ____________.
  • Whose helmet is this? (negative)
    It's not mine / It's not hers / It's not his (...)
  • Translate to English: Eles têm nadadeiras, mas eles não têm óculos de natação.
    They have flippers, but they don’t have goggles.
  • What can you do?
    I can ____________.
  • Can Fadinha do magic tricks?
    Yes, she can / No, she can't.
  • Can you play the drums?
    Yes, I can / No, I can't.
  • What can Luisin do?
    He can ________.
  • Whose towel is this?
    It's mine / It's hers / It's his (...)
  • Can Luisin draw well?
    Yes, he can / No, he can't.
  • Can Sophoa speak French?
    No, she can't
  • Can you prepare sushi?
    Yes, I can / No, I can't.
  • Unscramble the question and answer it: lift / a / car / you / Can / ?
    No, I can't.
  • Can Sophoa sing well?
    Yes, she can / No, she can't.
  • Translate to English: Eu tenho uma bicicleta, mas eu não tenho uma raquete.
    I have a bicycle, but I don’t have a racket.