
The Electromagnetic Spectrum

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  • What happens to wavelength as frequency of light waves increase?
    It gets shorter
  • What type of electromagnetic radition does a remote control use to work?
  • What is the most important source of electromagnetic energy to life on Earth?
    The Sun
  • What type of wave could have a wavelength that is a long as a football field?
    A Radio Wave
  • What type of wave are lasers inside dvd players?
    Visible Light
  • What types of waves are 5G signals?
  • What is the highest frequency (shortest wavelength) color that humans are able to see?
    Violet (Purple)
  • Which waves are the lowest frequency ionizing waves?
    UV waves
  • Which of these wave types is most likely to cause cancer? A. Radio Waves B. Microwaves C. Visible Light D. UV light
    D. UV light
  • The greatest energy wave on the electromagnetic spectrum is ....
    Gamma Ray
  • Which of these items is a "Regulated" radiation emitting electronic product? A. Computer Monitor B. Microwave Oven C. Remote Controller D. Electronic Blanket
    B. Microwave Oven
  • Which of these waves travels at the fastest speed? A. Radio Waves B. Visible Light C. X-Rays
    They all travel at the same speed!
  • When a wave has enough energy to knock an electron off of an atom it is called this.