
Be vs Have got vs Has got

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  • They / nurses
    They aren't nurses.
  • They / long ears?
    Have they got long ears? Yes,they have
  • She / fair hair?
    Has she got fair hair? Yes, she has
  • She / horse
    She's got a horse.
  • He / long hair?
    Has he got long hair? No,he hasn’t.
  • They / pilots
    They're pilots.
  • She / 11.
    She isn't 11.
  • They / black hair?
    Have they got black hair? Yes,they have
  • She / umbrella
    She hasn't got an umbrella.
  • They / brown hair?
    Have they got long brown hair? No,they haven’t
  • She..................... beautiful.
  • He / a white beard?
    Has he got a white beard? Yes,he has
  • He / a beard?
    Has he got a beard? No,he hasn’t
  • They / brown hair?
    Have they got brown hair? Yes,they have
  • He / a snake.
    He hasn't got a snake.
  • They / long arms
    They haven't got long arms.
  • She / dark hair?
    Has she got dark hair? No, she hasn’t
  • How many cats have you got?
    I have got three cats.
  • He / a moustache?
    Has he got a moustache? Yes, he has
  • She / Australia.
    She isn't from Australia.
  • He / football player
    He's a football player.
  • How many dogs have you got?
    I have got two dogs
  • It / glasses?
    Has it got glasses? Yes, it has.
  • She / hairdresser
    She's a hairdresser.
  • They / a moustache?
    Have they got a moustache? No,they haven’t.
  • They / long arms.
    They've got long arms.
  • We / Ukrainian pupils
    We're Ukrainian pupils.
  • He / guitar
    He's got a guitar.