
Around the world

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  • Where are we?
    Plaza de España in Seville
  • The largest island on Earth?
  • One of the most dangerous high school sports
  • In tennis, what piece of fruit is found at the top of the men’s Wimbledon trophy?
  • The longest river in South America
  • Where was this picture taken?
  • What is the name of Donald Duck’s girlfriend?
    Daisy Duck
  • The tallest and heaviest bird on the planet
  • Where was this picture taken? -Rome -Paris -London -Venice
  • Why can you float in the Dead sea?
    it's very salty
  • the fifth-largest continent and nearly twice the size of Australia
  • Where are we?
    Puerta del Sol (Madrid)
  • The deepest place on Earth
    the Mariana Trench
  • Tom Hanks' famous film about surviving on an island
    Cast Away
  • The world's largest hot desert
    the Sahara
  • This sport is called _______
  • The smallest independent country on Earth?
    Vatican City
  • This activity is called ______ _________
    Bull riding
  • The deadliest and most dangerous shark species
    The Great White Shark
  • The Twelve Apostles is a collection of limestone stacks - where is it?
    in Victoria, Australia
  • A pilgrimage leading to the cathedral of Santiago de Compostela in Galicia. Many follow its routes as a form of spiritual path
    St James Way/ Camino de Santiago
  • What is the main ingredient in guacamole?
  • The sport or activity of diving under water without the use of breathing equipment
  • Where is the region of Patagonia situated?
    in South America, shared by Argentina and Chile, with the Andes Mountains as its dividing line
  • Seven Wonders of the World. The one in India is called ____ _______
    The Taj Mahal
  • The capital of Iceland