
Unit 3 Environment, phrasal verbs and make and ...

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  • Am I getting the .............. ............. ? Are you understanding the concept?
    message across
  • Another similar phrase we use like  ´cut down´ and we use it with trees
    chop down or chopped down
  • Can you ..... ...... ........ $5 for now and I’ll give you the rest tomorrow?
    make do with
  • What is on this beach?
  • The pesticides are many birds and fish and not just insects that are bad for the crops.
    killing off
  • When we measure the amount of rain that has fallen from the sky, we say .........................
    rainfall. The rainfall in Spain each year is getting less. (an opinion)
  • We ........... ...... the litter off the park so the environment is safer and healthier for animals and humans to enjoy.
    clean up
  • The temperature of the Earth is getting hotter each year. What do we call this?
    climate change
  • A painter, builder and housekeeper are all types of what job?
    Manual workers
  • Soon mobile phones will be .............. from schools
  • Make sure you always .......... ............. your rubbish in the bin NOT on the floor.
    throw away
  • Dinosaurs ...... ....... millions of years ago.
    died out
  • What ............. has fossil fuels had on global warming?
  • We can collect the .................... in a container to save water and irrigate the garden.
  • These are all what? natural ...............
    natural resources
  • An idiom - for finding out if something is true or real - (make) e.g. ........... .......... he is telling the truth before you give him the money.
    Make sure .....................
  • Do you think there is too much ................. on everyday products?
  • What are pesticides? Give a definition.
  • An animal that is feared to not exist in the near future is called an ............... .............
    endangered species
  • I don´t understand this, it doesn´t ........ .........
    make sense
  • Many rainforests are being ............... ............. leading to animal habitats being destroyed.
    cut down
  • I am ............. my .......... for the environment by recycling all the rubbish I use in my house.
    doing my bit
  • ............. panels are used on top of houses to recycle the ........... energy from the sun.
  • Bottles and plastic can be ..........................
  • Surely you can ..... ........... your mobile phones during the school day.
    do without