
word problems

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  • count by 2's to 20 with your whole team
    count to Ms. Holmes
  • solve 172 ÷ 8
    21 r 4
  • Felicity is going to 4 times as many sleepovers this weekend as Ms. Holmes. If Ms. Holmes goes to no sleepovers then how many did Felicity go to?
  • Michael brings a box of dolls to school. The box is 5 ft. by 2 ft. by 3 ft. What is the volume of the box?
    30 ft.^3
  • Round 8,488 to the nearest hundreds place
  • Is 43, 924 even or odd?
  • April brought 4 cupcakes for each of her 5 friends. How many cupcakes did she bring altogether?
    20 cupcakes
  • Who is your favorite teacher?
    Ms. Holmes
  • If one slice of pizza is 1/8, how many slices are in 5 pizzas total?
    40 slices
  • Sterling draws a box that is 4 cm. by 5 cm. What is the PERIMETER of the box
    18 cm
  • Draw 7 groups of 6.
    show Ms. Holmes
  • Does everyone know how they are getting home today?
  • Ms. Liz has 4 containers of gum. If each container has 9 pieces of gum, how many pieces of gum are there in all?
  • How many sides are on a circle?
  • 105 ÷ 5=
  • Is 12,497 even or odd??
  • Round 491 to the nearest tens place
  • Ms. Holmes has 3,152 pencils she wants to pass out evenly to her students. What information does she still need to know?
    the total number of students
  • Sarah says 6/12 is equal to 1/2. Is she right?
  • Ms. Holmes has a box of cookies with the dimensions 2 ft. by 2 ft. by 5 ft. What is the volume of the box?
    20 ft.^3
  • What is half of 12?
  • The pink river is 4 times longer than the blue river. If the blue river is 30 ft long, how long is the pink river?
    120 ft
  • Adrieana bought Ms. Holmes a present. The box was 3 in. by 4 in. by 5 in.. What was the volume of the present?
    60 in. cubed
  • solve 37 x 7
  • Seth ate 1/5 of a pie and Elyahs ate 1/3 of a pie. Who ate more pie?
  • 88 ÷ 11 =
  • 2/8 + 2/4 =
    6/8 or 3/4
  • 36 ÷ 9=
  • Sophia says that the last time she told Ms. Holmes how cool she was, was at 10 am. If it is 2 pm now, how many hours has it been since she told Ms. Holmes how cool she was?
    4 hours! (Time to tell her again)
  • ⅘ - ¼ = ?
  • how many sides are on a triangle?
  • Ms. Holmes is given $200 to buy new books for class. If each book costs $5, how many books can she buy?
  • Ms. Holmes brought 24 Dr. Peppers to give to her favorite 4 students. How many Dr. Peppers do each of the students get?
    6 Dr. Peppers
  • Elyahs is has baseball practice 3 nights a week. He practices for 3 hours each time. How many hours altogether does he practice each week?
    9 hours
  • Francisco brought 26 sandwiches to school. He was super hungry and ate half of them. How many sandwiches did he eat?
    13 sandwiches
  • Solve 5,789 + 485
  • what is an equivalent fraction to 3/4?
    show Ms. Holmes