
Science and Inventions

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  • Tim Berners-Lee had a vision of a global hyperlinked information system. It became a reality in the late-1980's and 90's, linking the entire World.
    The Internet (World Wide Web)
  • This inventor thought of and designed a flying machine, a parachute, a helicopter and many other inventions while also painting the Mona Lisa. Who is he?
    Leonardo Da Vinci
  • What is this science?
  • This invention allowed early humans to cook food, stay warm, and keep away wild animals. What was it?
  • Alexander Graham Bell invented what device that we still use today (every day for many people)?
  • What was the last name of the brothers who invented the first working airplane?
    Orville and Wilbur Wright (Wright Brothers)
  • Where was gunpowder originally invented? a. Germany b. England c. China d. India
    c. China
  • Who is this inventor?
    Marie Curie
  • This type of scientist studies how the weather works. What science is this? a. meteorology b. astronomy c. geology d. geography
    a. Meteorology (Meteorologist)
  • This invention was launched on June 29, 2007. What is it?
  • This invention in 1439 allowed for books and newspapers to be easily made. What is it? a. the copier b. paper c. printable ink d. the printing press
    d. Printing Press
  • What is this science?
    Biology (Anatomy)
  • Who invented the Phonograph (record player)?
    Thomas Edison
  • What is this science? a. psychology b. physics c. biology d. neuropathy
    a. Psychology
  • What is this science?
  • Who is this inventor? (hint: initials T.E.)
    Thomas Edison
  • This invention allows us to tell which direction we are going?
  • What is this invention?
  • What is this science? (hint: you should know how to code)
    Computer Science
  • Henry Ford was famous for being one of the first to use the assembly line and interchangeable parts at his factories. What did he make? (hint: you probably see them everyday)
  • What is his name?
    Albert Einstein
  • What is this science?
  • What is this science? a. physics b. astronomy c. anatomy d. geology
    b. Astronomy
  • Sholes and Glidden invented the first commercially successful ____________ in 1878.