
Have Something Done

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  • Tick the correct sentence, (a) or (b), for each picture.
    1. B 2 A 3. A 4. B
  • I can't fix this car. My dad helps me
    I have my car fixed by my dad
  • Your hair is too long. You need (it / cut).score
    to have it cut
  • We usually (the bedrooms / redecorate) every two years.score
    have the bedrooms redecorated
  • Hi, welcome to starbucks, how can I help you? Hi, Can i get a caramel frappuchino with double shot americano, 2 pumps of caramel please
    I have a caramel frpauchuno made
  • Are they going to paint the kitchen themselves, or (it / paint)?score
    are they going to have it painted
  • If you can't see properly, you should (your eyes / test).score
    have your eyes tested
  • Hey! go to school right now. you're late. the bus will be left in 2 mins
    I get the bus left in 2 mins
  • I'm going to do my food shopping online and I (the food / deliver) to my house.score
    am going to have the food delivered
  • Tick the correct sentence, (a) or (b), for each picture.
    1. B 2 A 3. A 4. B
  • The staff at that store printed the photo that I had taken last week. (have)
    I have the photo that I had taken last week printed.
  • He didn't fix his car himself, he (it / fix) at the garage.score
    had it fixed
  • hello? is that PIZZA COMPANY? can you deliver 2 seafood pizza 16 inch please
    I have 2 piza delivered
  • The journalist corrected my wrong posts (have)
    I have my wrong posts corrected
  • A: What’s happening in your garden? B: Oh, ……………………. (we / a garage / build).
    we are having a garage built
  • had / a few weeks ago / the house / we / painted
    we had the house painted a few weeks ago