
3ro Adultos - 4th term test revision

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  • I've been thinking of _____________ (buy) a used car.
  • I have to stop eating so much chocolate, but I'd got such a _____________ that I can't help it!!
    sweet tooth
  • We promised __________ (wash) the dishes, but we didn't.
    to wash
  • My family _________ hard when I graduated from university. They were all very emotional.
  • Don't _______________. He won't change his mind no matter what you say.
    waste your breath
  • She ____________ because she didn't get the present she wanted. She is such a spoilt child!
    kicked up a fuss
  • Are you___________ or are you being serious right now?!
    pulling my leg
  • Since our fight last night, my boyfriend is giving me ___________.
    the cold shoulder
  • We managed ____________ (finish) the project just in time.
    to finish
  • Did you remember ________ (lock) the door when you left?
    to lock
  • When I wake up, I can't help ___________ (eat) breakfast right away. I'm starving!
  • This land is ________. Nothing grows here.
  • My sister and I don't ____________ on many topics, but we get on really well.
    see eye to eye
  • The professor explained a new topic in class, but it honestly ___________________ head.
    went straight over my
  • Michael _________ and asked Jessy to marry him.
  • I've stopped ________ (go) to the gym. I wasn't seeing any results.
  • I'll ___________ the song to you. Do you recognize it??
  • __________ are people who cut down trees.
  • They succeeded in __________ (get) first place in the tournament.
  • Why are those people _______ at me?? Oh, no!! I've got a paper on my back.
  • The players started to argue during the match and then it all went _____________.
    out of hand
  • That's weird... I remember _______ (turn) my computer off. Why is it on?
  • I was walking in the park, but I stopped ____ (pet) a dog.
    to pet
  • Don't bite your lollipops. _________ them.