
That's Life

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  • What is the word for having more autonomy and fewer restrictions?
  • What are people aged 13 to 19 called?
  • The term for how you see and feel about your own body.
    Body image.
  • What is the feeling of being overwhelmed or anxious because of an overload of work called??
  • What describes the strong desire to learn and explore new things?
  • What is the term for the stage of life between childhood and adulthood, typically during the teenage years?
  • Online platforms for connecting and sharing.
    Social media
  • What do you call the tasks and duties you need to fulfill as you grow older?
  • The term for how a family interacts and functions.
    Family dynamics
  • What abilities like cooking, cleaning, and basic home maintenance are commonly referred to as?
    Life skills
  • What are the changes in your body as you become an adult called?
  • What's the term for learning more about your likes, dislikes, and values?
  • Close relationships with peers.
  • What skills are needed to balance school, work, and personal life effectively?
    Time management
  • What are friendships and social connections with people your age known as?
    Peer relationships
  • What do you call understanding and managing your feelings as they become more complex during adolescence?
    Emotional development
  • What are your goals for further education or work in the future called?
    College/career aspirations / Ambition