
Future tenses (p.42)

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  • Kate ... the yellow rug for her bedroom. (buy)
    will buy
    is buying
    is going to buy
  • Perhaps Joe ... us on our camping trip. (join)
    will join
    is going to join
    is joining
  • Roger ... you when he gets home. (call)
    is going to call
    is calling
    will call
  • ... you ... a volcano or a waterfall? (draw)
    Are you going to draw
    Will you draw
    Are you drawing
  • Neil ... the book if you recommend it. (read)
    is reading
    is going to read
    will read
  • A: I don't know how to make cookies. B: Don't worry, I ... you. (show)
    am showing
    am going to show
    will show
  • He ... his grandmother on Sunday. (meet)
    will meet
    is going to meet
    is meeting
  • Barça is playing very well. They ... the match. (win)
    are going to win
    are winning
    will win
  • ... you ... me your notebook, please? (pass)
    Are you passing
    Are you going to pass
    Will you pass
  • Mae ... to the cinema with her friends tonight. (go)
    will go
    is going to go
    is going
  • Next weekend Dean ... to Hawaii. (fly)
    will fly
    is flying
    is going to fly